Dental Bridges

What is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge is a dental appliance used to replace missing teeth. The most common type of bridge, or conventional bridge, is a three-unit bridge. This means it consists of three teeth attached together. The outer teeth sit on your natural teeth, and they're fused in the middle to a fake tooth that replaces the missing tooth.

What's the difference between a bridge and dentures?

Both bridges and dentures are used to replace missing teeth. However, a dental bridge is fixed inside your mouth and cannot be removed, while a denture is generally a removable appliance. A bridge is considered when only a few teeth are missing, whereas a denture is used when several teeth are missing. Dentures are also less expensive than bridges, which can be a significant factor for some patients.

What are the pros and cons of dental bridges?

The pros of dental bridges include the ability to replace missing teeth, aiding in chewing and preventing other teeth from shifting. This helps avoid additional forces on your remaining teeth, which could cause wear, cracks, or breaks. Bridges, especially in the front, are aesthetically pleasing and can match surrounding teeth well. However, if the surrounding teeth are healthy with minimal fillings, a bridge isn't ideal because it requires removing tooth structure, suggesting a dental implant as a better option. Additionally, bridges can make flossing tricky, possibly increasing the risk of gum disease if not kept clean.

What are the different types of dental bridges?

The most common type of dental bridge is the conventional type, where two teeth on either side of a missing tooth are connected together. If multiple teeth are missing, a longer span dental bridge can be used. Another type is the Maryland bridge, commonly used in the front and for younger patients. It is a temporary option to conserve the teeth on either side until an implant can be placed. Bridges can be made from various materials, such as full gold, porcelain, or a combination of metal and porcelain.

What are the alternatives to a dental bridge?

Alternatives to a dental bridge include dental implants and dentures. A dental implant is a man-made root placed in the bone with a false tooth on top, not affecting adjacent teeth and allowing for easy flossing. Dentures, which are removable, can replace multiple teeth and are more cost-efficient than bridges or implants.

What is a removable dental bridge versus a fixed dental bridge?

A removable dental bridge, also known as a partial denture, is an appliance that can be taken in and out of the mouth and clips around remaining teeth to stay in place. A fixed dental bridge, on the other hand, is a conventional bridge cemented onto two teeth to replace one in the middle and does not come out of the mouth.

What is a cantilever dental bridge?

A cantilever dental bridge is supported on only one side, unlike a conventional bridge supported on both sides. It features an artificial tooth hanging off one side and is used in situations with limited teeth to work with or near the front where biting forces are lower.

What are the benefits of dental bridges?

Dental bridges can improve your smile by replacing missing front teeth and aid long-term bite function by providing additional chewing surfaces, reducing stress on remaining teeth. They also prevent shifting and super eruption of surrounding teeth, maintaining proper alignment.

How can a dental bridge help those with gum disease?

While a dental bridge won't reverse gum disease, it can replace a tooth lost due to severe gum disease when a dental implant isn't an option. If the adjacent teeth are stable, a bridge can replace the tooth even when significant bone loss has occurred.

Is dental bridge work painful?

The procedure starts with numbing the area, and the needle is usually the most uncomfortable part. Post-procedure, gums may be tender for a few days, but this can be managed with extra strength Advil or Tylenol and warm salt water rinses.

What does the dental bridge placement procedure involve?

The procedure starts with numbing the area. The teeth on either side of the missing tooth are prepared by removing cavities or old fillings and sealing with core material. The teeth are shaped for the bridge. If made in-office, a 3D digital scan is taken, and the bridge is designed, milled and cemented. If sent to a lab, the scan is sent out, and the patient returns for a follow-up appointment to fit the bridge.

How long does a dental bridge last?

On average, crowns and bridges last about 10 years. The most common failure point is where the bridge meets the tooth, often due to new cavities. Good oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings can extend the bridge's lifespan beyond 10 years.

How should I care for my dental bridge?

Care for a dental bridge like any other tooth. Brush twice a day and floss both between the teeth and underneath the false tooth. Regular dental cleanings help maintain health by removing bacteria and calculus buildup.

When should I schedule an appointment for a dental bridge?

Schedule an appointment as soon as possible when missing a tooth. Early intervention prevents shifting and over-eruption, avoiding more complex and expensive treatments like orthodontics.

I hope I was able to answer your questions about dental bridges. If you have further questions or are ready to take action, please call us at (204) 817-6768. Thanks.

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