Crowns & Bridges

What are dental crowns?

Dental crowns are mainly used to help strengthen teeth. We often put crowns on teeth that simply have not enough tooth structure left, usually due to a large cavity or filling, or if they've had a previous root canal treatment that has weakened the tooth. The crown, also known as a dental cap, will go over the tooth like a helmet, helping to hold it together to ensure that it doesn't break apart while you're chewing.

What are the pros and cons of dental crowns versus a dental bridge?

A dental crown is usually going to be a procedure that goes on a single tooth, whereas we use a dental bridge to replace a missing tooth. A dental bridge involves making three crowns that are connected together, and they sit on the outside teeth to replace the one in the middle.

What type of a dental crown would be best for a molar?

In our office, we typically do porcelain crowns using our CEREC technology. For a back tooth, I would typically use a zirconia crown. This is a very strong material and that's why it's best for the back teeth because you do a lot of your heavy chewing on those teeth and we want to make sure that that crown can stand up to the chewing and not break apart.

For front teeth, the best type of crown is usually going to be a porcelain crown. We use one that usually will have a higher aesthetic component to it, which basically just means it looks a little bit nicer because we can put a nice shine on those crowns.

Is it possible to not get a dental crown after a root canal?

For back teeth, it's always recommended to get a crown placed on them after a root canal as the tooth is quite a bit more brittle and if we leave it with just a filling, there's a high chance it's going to break and we're going to lose that tooth. However, if we need to do a root canal on a front tooth and otherwise it's still in pretty good condition, we don't have any really big fillings that are there, then we certainly can get away with not doing a dental crown on those teeth.

Are crowns as strong as real teeth?

In general, nothing is going to be as good as your natural enamel, which is why we always put such a heavy emphasis on prevention because we want to make sure that your teeth last you for a lifetime. Although some of the materials that we can use for crowns are very strong. Like I mentioned before, that zirconia material is extremely strong and very unlikely to break.

What type of anesthesia will I need for a dental crown?

For most patients, we give them some topical anesthetic to numb their gums and then we'll give them a bit of local anesthetic, some freezing to numb up the area. This will help to make things more comfortable while we're working. For patients who do have a bit more anxiety or concern that might not be enough for them, we do offer sedation dentistry at our office. We offer what's called nitrous oxide sedation, also known as laughing gas. It's a very safe and effective form of sedation that helps you to feel more relaxed.

Are there any special instructions for brushing and flossing after getting a dental crown?

Once the dental crown is done, I typically recommend patients to avoid eating on it, brushing and flossing for the first 24 hours, as sometimes the material does take a day to set. After 24 hours, they can go ahead and do everything as normal. As far as eating, there are usually not too many restrictions with dental crowns because they are quite strong. In general, the same thing applies to your normal teeth as I would recommend avoiding anything really hard because we don't want them cracking on you.

How could you tell if you had tooth decay under a crown?

The main way we check for cavities under a crown is through routine examinations. I use my explorer instrument to check that where the crown is meeting the tooth is nice and strong and not sticky. The other main way that we do it is with routine x-rays. These help to give us a better idea of if there's any spots underneath that crown.

What is the typical cost of a dental crown?

The cost of a dental crown does vary. In general though a dental crown you're going to be looking at anything from $1,100 to $1,600, but again we would take a look at your examination and then we would see which procedures are necessary and go from there.

How can I go about scheduling an appointment for a dental crown?

If you're looking to schedule an appointment for a dental crown the easiest way would be to give us a call at our office or you can email. We'll set you up for your exam so we can take a look at your tooth and figure out exactly what's going on and then we can book your dental crown procedure from there. For more information or to book your appointment please feel free to give us a call at (204) 817-6768.

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is like a little helmet that goes on over your teeth. It helps to strengthen your tooth and keep it together so that it doesn't crack.

What is the difference between dental crowns for front teeth and back teeth?

Dental crowns for the back teeth are used so that you can continue to chew, whereas the ones in the front are usually done for aesthetic reasons.

Why do you need a crown after a root canal?

Once a root canal is done on the tooth, it severely weakens it. We then need to do a crown on these teeth, especially for the ones in the back that you're mainly chewing on and are more susceptible to breaking.

What is the procedure for getting a tooth crown at Renew Dental?

At our office, we use CEREC technology to do your crown all in one day. I prepare the tooth, take a 3D digital scan, make the crown fit perfectly, and then mill it out of a porcelain block. We then cement it on your tooth so you can go home that day.

Do children need dental crowns?

Yes, we do crowns on children. These are usually stainless steel crowns that are pre-fabricated and go on over teeth if they have large cavities or cavities that are into the nerves of their teeth.

What does the placement of a dental crown feel like?

The placement of a dental crown is very similar to any other filling. We numb the area and try to avoid any pain. The procedure is a bit longer than a filling, but you will be numb during the entire time.

What is the typical post-procedure experience?

After a dental crown, it is normal to have a bit of sensitivity in the tooth for a couple of weeks. The gums may also be a little tender for a few days, but this can usually be managed with salt water rinses or Advil or Tylenol.

How long does a dental crown typically last?

Clinical studies show a dental crown typically lasts for about 10 years. This can be extended with good brushing, flossing, and regular cleanings.

What causes a dental crown to fail?

A dental crown can fail if cavities form around the crown where it meets the tooth. In such cases, it needs to be replaced.

What can cause pain under a dental crown?

Pain under a dental crown can be caused by bacteria getting into the nerve of the tooth from a previous deep filling or cavity. This usually requires a canal and a new crown.

What happens if there's a cavity under the dental crown?

Once there's a cavity under the dental crown, it will usually require the replacement of that crown. In some cases, if the cavity is very small, we can fix it with a filling.

When should patients get a dental crown?

We typically recommend that patients get dental crowns as soon as possible to protect the tooth. The longer we leave it and have you chew on the tooth, the higher the chance that you're going to end up breaking it, which could require a root canal or extraction.

If you have any further questions or you would like to schedule an appointment, please give us a call at (204) 817-6768.


Keep Calm & Chew On – Bite With Confidence Again

Dental crowns and bridges are strong restorations designed to protect and / or replace missing teeth, giving you back the ability to eat, speak, and smile with comfort and confidence. If missing one or more permanent teeth is affecting your oral health, function, or self-confidence, then it may be time to consider a dental crown or bridge. At Renew Dental, we utilize advanced CEREC technology that enables us to design crowns and bridges in-house, eliminating the necessity for a temporary crown, follow-up cementation appointment for the permanent crown, and eliminates the need for uncomfortable impressions.

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Benefits of Dental Crowns & Bridges:

  • Protects root canal treated teeth which are at a higher risk of fracture.
  • Enhances the aesthetics of broken or decayed teeth, restoring the look of your smile.
  • Provides reinforcement to weakened teeth, preventing potential future breakage and the need for additional treatments like root canals.
  • Protects cracked teeth from further damage, minimizing the risk of future extractions.
  • Restores normal functionality, allowing you to chew, bite, and speak with ease once again.

Let Your Best Smile Shine at Renew Dental in Bridgwater

When you visit Renew Dental in Bridgwater you’ll be greeted by a team of professionals who truly care about you and your oral health. Let us help you renew your smile with preventative dental care and personalized solutions.

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