


Treatment Coordinator

Brittany comes from a background of dental assisting where she spent the majority of her dental career, primarily out of the Children’s Hospital dental clinic. She graduated from Red River College in 2009 and has since been a mission to educate others on the importance of oral health and learning how to make each dental experience a new positive one and build a positive relationship with each person she can.

Along with her many years of experience in the field, she has great knowledge in dental treatments, patient needs, and how to work with them to attain a healthy smile! She is kind, personable and eager and always seeking new training and goals to make everyone’s experience from start to finish a great one here at Renew Dental.

In her spare time, Brittany can be found around the city's surrounding provincial parks and lakes fishing with her family basically all year round. Camping, hiking with her two dogs and spending time at the cottage is most likely where she’ll be on the weekends and summer months. She’s also loves Disneyworld and can be found there any chance she gets.

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